Banner Photo: Dave Alder in the middle of the front row during MARS II training
With thanks to 12358 Dave Alder
the other a and the z - pete and mark during their mars II training (along with chwlyms)
Shortly after graduation from CMR, RRMC, and RMC in 1979, the cadets from all three colleges intermingled at the various junior officer training centres for the various CF environments and occupations across Canada. At “Venture,” the Naval Officer Training Centre in Esquimalt, BC, three young, naval Sub-Lieutenants found themselves rooming together for their first year of naval training. The blending of the three colleges took place in this very room (with the result being lots of shenanigans from three very different lads!).
The first “A” was Dave Alder -- CMR, expert Black Belt in Judo, Business Administration degree. The second “A” was Pete Avis – RMC, music aficionado, Honours English and Philosophy degree. And the rare and precious “Z” was Mark Zbitnew – CMR (through RRMC), skilled sportsman, Business Administration degree. The assignment of rooms was a mystery – alphabetical order was clearly not the main focus. Heck, they could have had CHWYLMS in the room (as there was four beds in each dorm room) but he was just down the hall.
While there were no inspections like military college, the rooms were frequently checked by the managing officers – which meant the live-in junior officers would have to keep a fairly high standard of dress, deportment, and room cleanliness. One was allowed several pieces of personal gear (books, footballs, music systems etc.) and since there was an extra locker, storage was simplified. The young officers went to classes in the complex, they ate their meals at the galley, they played sports on the nearby fields or gyms, and they studied, showered, and slept in the dorm rooms. Life was good.
During the evenings, the Alder “A” would head off on his ten-speed bike to Victoria to work out and practice his judo – an indispensable part of which was having several barley sandwiches after his work-out to keep the carb count high. Occasionally, knocking into a signpost or telephone pole that lurched out in front of him on the way home, the Alder “A” was full of mischief and somehow still full of energy. More often than not, the Avis “A”, after playing sports and having dinner, would curl up in his pit, read Dante’s Divine Comedy, and listen to the strains of Miles Davis jazz. Focussed yet peaceful. The Zbitnew “Z” would partake in sports and dinner and then quietly head out of long walks to discover Victoria and environs. This roommate was often pooped by the time he returned and hit the pit early.
One night, Avis was out, Zbit was out, and Alder came back early from judo. When Avis and Zbit returned to the room that night, Alder was already curled up in his pit. Just as the other two found their way into their pyjamas and readied for sleep, Alder chirped out, “Sweet Dreams!” The other two, used to their roommate’s cheerfulness, especially after judo practice, wished him an equally fine night and got into their pits. Suddenly, Zbit yelped and jumped out of his bed – he had snuggled into spoons and packages of sugar that had surreptitiously been poured in between his sheets! Alder laughed his raucous laugh, “Got Ya!!!” and then helped Zbit shake out his sheets and redo his pit. Jeez, one had to forgive him – he was a black belt in judo!!!
Several weeks later, when another early return by Alder alerted Avis and Zbitnew for possible shenanigans, they thoroughly checked their pits and closets before going to sleep. Well, this time everything seemed fine and a good a good sleep was had by all. However, the next morning, it was late January and rainy and wet, so they all took a moment before leaving the room to don their big, rubber over boots -- lovingly known as “warm-but-uglies” -- that kept highly polished shoes looking great and feet dry. This time it was Avis letting out a bellow! When he slipped his highly shone oxfords that were ready for class into the warm-but-ugly boot ... it went Squelliiiish! – turns out that Alder had carefully placed a rotten banana from the cafeteria deep in the left boot!!! Once again, this elfish mischief was accepted and forgiven – what was the option!?!
The influence of all three colleges had made this triumvirate of orphans what they were. When all was said and done, and training was complete, they ended up very good friends for life. It is likely that the second “A” and the “Z” are still plotting a way to even the shenanigans score! Even now … maybe at the 45th Reunion!!! Hahaha – it is also likely that the first “A” will be ready for them!