The fundraising information provided below for the Class of 79 Fund is as of 30 September 2024. Also please note the CMR 74-79 numbers are for donations made through the RMC Alumni Association and do not include any made directly to the project through La Fondation des ancien(ne)s du CMR. Additionally, we can report that all the money raised up until June 2023 for the St-Maurice project via the RMCAA has been disbursed to the project ($19,325) and that the remaining balance is the number shown at the top of the CMR 74-79 Thermo. Note that the current number for the Class of 79 Fund is the gross total and does not take in to account the $2,595 that was disbursed to pay for the Obstacle Race coins. Further details on the progress of Class of 79 project, that of supporting the RMC Museum, are included at the bottom of this page.
Donation Level Pins
The Class of 79 has over 80 Classmates who have donated to the Class of 79 and CMR 74-79 Funds. The RMC Alumni Association has for some time been awarding pins of the Arch based on donation levels so most of the donors from our Class have previously received their pins from the RMCAA, primarily Pewter for donations of $1,000 to $10,000, but also several have or are eligible to receive Silvers pins for donations of $10,000 to $100,000 (Gold is for any donations over $100,000). In part because of their direct involvement with the Association itself, the RMCAA has recently presented Silver Arch pins to Bryn Weadon at their Board meeting in May 2024 and to Pete Avis at the Carr-Harris hockey game between Queens and RMC in February 2024.
chairperson george lundy is seen here presenting bryn with his silver arch pin, stating that “The Alumni Association honours and shows appreciation to our donors by awarding the Arch Pin when certain levels of donations have been reached. In your case your generosity and obvious dedication to the Class of 1974-79 fund and the Class of 1979 Endowment bestows on you the Silver Arch Pin. May I provide on behalf of the Association, as well as the Colleges and serving Officer and Naval Cadets, our profound gratitude. It is through the generosity and commitment of our alumni and friends that we can continue to support endeavors at the Colleges which continue to assist our future leaders.”
Class of 79 Project Update - RMC Museum - Milestones
Two former RMC Commandants, Ed Murray and Frank Norman, have carried the torch for the Museum while the corporation itself, under the leadership of President Bill Lye, was coming into being. Here are the major milestones to date:
1) Pre-construction donor funding in place 2017 (continues) – Murray/Norman success
2) Project approved March 2021(DND Deputy Minister Approval in Principle 2021 - DND ADM(IE) -- Commandant RMCC Confirmation of Commandant's Intent 2021 -- 50-year Land Lease with RMCMC – TBS Approval)
3) Initial operating funding secured and on 1 March 2021, the Executive Committee of the RMC Foundation met and approved the nomination of designate directors and a designate chair of the Board of the new non-profit corporation.
4) RMC Museum Corporation (RMCMC) established July 2021
5) Project Roles: Operations Project Authority: Commandant RMCC; Real Property Letting and Leasing Authority: ADM(IE); CAF Museums Program Authority: CMP/DHH
6) Schematic Design completed and approved May 2022
7) The Interpretive Plan briefed to the Commandant – May 2024
8) Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Phase 1 and 2 design validation Q4 2023 – Q2 2025
9) Detailed fund-raising planning by RMCAA and RMCMC - Q3 2024 - Q3 2025 -- Launch fund-raising Q3 2025
10) Cornerstone Dedication Ceremony 2026 Coordinated with 150th
11) Construction to Start - Q4 2026
12) Commissioning Planned - Q4 2028