2024 Old Brigade Entry
The RMC Alumni Association announced that the dates for the Reunion Weekend 2024 will be from the 12th to the 14th of September 2024, although our Class has planned two events for Sunday the 15th, ie, the morning Fort Run and the luncheon at the Shire. Rich has provided a schedule of events, a summary of which is detailed below. Furthermore, as a result of a survey conducted in late March/April 2024 and various follow up ones, the following Classmates have indicated their plans for the weekend, updated as noted on the upper right corner of each page of the spreadsheets below. For the Legacy, Old Brigade dinners, Meet and Greet and Shire Luncheon, those who have paid are shown with a green highlight.
Given that the Old Brigade Dinner will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton, at 1550 Princess Street, the RMCAA has secured 100 rooms at a very reasonable discounted prices, starting at $179 per room (plus tax and fees). The DoubleTree offers rooms with two queen beds and rooms with one single king bed. The hotel offers free parking, free WiFi, an on-site restaurant, and room service, as well as an indoor pool and fitness center. Please use this link to book your room - https://bit.ly/48nSntj
The RMCAA has also secured 50 rooms at the Home2 Suites by Hilton, which is beside the DoubleTree. The rooms are $189 (plus tax and fees) and have one queen bed and one double pull-out. Rooms include free WiFi, free parking, free elevated continental breakfast, and access to the indoor pool and fitness center. Please use this link to book your room - https://bit.ly/49r0DtS .
Please note that the block booking is available until 12 August 2024 on a first come, first served basis.
Important Notice!
Unfortunately, for those who booked accommodation in the downtown core, quite unexpectedly the Lasalle Causeway lift bridge was damaged during renovations and has since been demolished. The Whig-Standard reported that Public Services and Procurement Canada is indicating that the temporary modular replacement bridge will not be operational until the end of September, after the reunion weekend, meaning there will be no traffic or pedestrian access to RMC across the Lasalle Causeway. The good news is that the third Crossing is now open so if you are driving, you can take Montreal Road up to the Waaban Crossing and cross over there and then turn right on to Hwy 15 and head south on Hwy 15 until you come to the junction with Hwy 2 and turn right at the lights on to Hwy 2 and head down the hill to the RMC campus. There is also a Water Taxi Service that has been confirmed to be running during the reunion weekend albeit only until 1730 hrs for the three days (Thursday to Saturday). The Crawford Wharf is located just below the Holiday Inn in the Kingston map below to the right and the HMCS Cataraqui Jetty is across Hwy 2 from the Memorial Arch (shown in the RMC Map below).
RMC - Maps of RMC Peninsula
The RMC map below shows the important locations for the Old Brigade Reunion weekend, including the relevant RMC buildings as well as parking lots. Below that are four photos of the locations for the RMC and RMC Alumni Association facilities including where the various porta-potties/washroom facilities are located.
Location of Facilities for the Reunion (including Portable Washrooms)
Massey library is in the upper left and currie hall to the bottom right (the two cadet statues Brucie and nikki are in the same area where the three red squares are located)
in this photo, this is the inner sports field. the parade square is at the top, yeo hall to the left and the senior staff mess on the lower right. the fa tent is for first aid and also can act as a changing facility if needed.
this is just past the main gatehouse (not shown, but at the middle top) after entering rmc. the navy bay sports fields are on the right, and navy bay on the far right
if you head north or right on valor drive that takes you to the memorial arch. although Not shown, on the upper right is the mech eng buildings, on the right CDA HQ, and on the lower right Hewett house (former principal’s residence). heading south on valor drive will take you past hewett house, the playing field and the cmdt’s residence.
Note Regarding Dress: Following a recent change to the CF Dress Manual, the Old Brigade Adjutant now confirms that retired members have official permission to wear mess dress to Reunion Weekend events like the Legacy Dinner and the Old Brigade Dinner – this would be the equivalent to “Black Tie” event dress. The Dress Manual stipulates that former members “are to wear the style of Mess Dress authorized by their Branch/Corps or Regiment at the time of their release, this includes their rank, decorations, skill insignia which they were entitled to.”
Note Regarding Dietary Requirements: For Class Events, including Golf, the Meet and Greet and the Luncheon at the Shire, every effort has been made to try to accommodate dietary needs for the meals being prepared, including vegan and gluten-free options. Should there be a special requirement we are not aware of, please let us know and we will attempt to provide an option to address those needs.
Thursday 12 Sep 2024
Evening: 1800 hrs for 1900 hrs. Legacy Dinner (RMC Foundation fund-raiser). Senior Staff Mess. Attendance optional. Ticket price is $250 per person and may include spouses/guests. Dress is black tie with medals or mess dress as noted above. Event Sold Out. You can contact Jennifer Jordan, Fundraising and Marketing Manager, RMC Alumni Association via email at Jennifer.Jordan@rmcalumni.ca, or via phone at 613-328-3923 to book your tickets. Parking for the dinner will be in front of the SSM; at the Point on the SSM side and on the Southeast corner of the Parade Square (near the Stone Frigate). All cars must be removed immediately following the event.
Friday 13 Sep 2024
Morning: Class Golf Tournament. Landings Golf Course (by the Airport - map below). Breakfast starts at 0700 hrs, with arrival NLT 0730 hrs to allow time for reading of the rules followed by shotgun start at around 0800 hrs. OPI Larry Richardson. Format is best ball and with foursomes (teams are noted below). Now that we have at least 32 golfers, the Club as mentioned will be using a shotgun start, which will make it easier to get back to RMC for the Recruit Obstacle Race for those who are interested. Cost is $100 per golfer which includes green fees for 18 holes; pull cart; light breakfast (coffee, juice, bagels, muffins, fruit, etc); lunch (hamburgers, sausages, salad, dessert and coffee); and prizes, payable at the Course by cash, debit or credit. Powered golf carts are available to rent at Landings for $17.50 plus tax per golfer and also there is a limited number of golf clubs that can be rented for $20 per set. Note that non-playing guests are also welcome to attend the lunch for ($25 tax included) but please let Larry know so he can order a little extra food. Also, Deborah Patterson, Lutz’s better half, has volunteered to be the photographer for the tournament.
Afternoon: Starts at 1300 hrs and ends at approx 1830 hrs. First Year Obstacle Course and Coin Presentation by Members of the Old Brigade. Free to Observe (see Obstacle Course Map below). Parking is available in the Sawyer and Navy Bay parking lots (see RMC map above). The obstacle race starts off at 1300 hrs on the Parade Square with quite an entertaining opening ceremony. This event will cover much of the Campus on uneven terrain. Please wear appropriate walking shoes if you plan to attend. The Obstacle Course will be a staggered start. As this represents our first official duties as members of the Old Brigade, the Class Secretary previously solicited volunteers to present coins. Those selected volunteers are listed in the Attendees table above. Coins will be presented presented by the Brucie and Nikki statues, after each flight finishes the course.
Evening: 1800 hrs for 1900 hrs. Meet & Greet. Senior Staff Mess at RMC. Dress: Smart Casual. Please arrive early since the Class Secretary intends to start the formal portion (speeches and Big Cheque presentation) promptly at 1900 hrs. Cost is $45 per person and covers a casual buffet as well as the individual name tags. Parking is restricted because the obstacle race is expected to continue until at least 1830 hrs if not later so the Sawyer parking lot will be the primary location for parking. There may be some limited parking in front of the SSM and at the Point on the SSM side, but other than for anyone with mobility issues or drops off, RMC is generally discouraging traffic in the Navy Bay/SSM area while the obstacle race is ongoing. The Menu allows for a range of diets; special concerns can be accommodated. This will also be when the Class book “If I Knew then What I Know Now” will be distributed (a few extra copies will be available, at $50 each). Cash bar. Money will be collected at the door; name tags issued and at the same time, classmates can pick up and sign for their Class of 79 book. For those interested in paying in advance, Rich will advise separately how to eTransfer payment to the Project Account.
Saturday 14 Sep 2024
Morning: 0900 - 1100 hrs. First Year Badging Parade. Dress: Ex-Cadet 6s or equivalent jacket, along with Old Brigade beret and hat badge, Old Brigade tie and medals. Parking is available in the Sawyer parking lot (Navy Bay is limited to VIP parking and the SSM VVIP parking). No traffic is allowed on the Point between 0800 - 1700 hrs, except for VVIPs. First Years will be presented their college badges by members of the Old Brigade. The Class Secretary previously solicited volunteers to present badges. The selected Class of 79 volunteers are listed in the Attendees table above. They and their spouses/guests will be seated in chairs in the VIP section in front of Mackenzie Building, while all others can spectate from bleachers on either side of the parade square.
Morning: 11:00 - 12:30 hrs. Memorial Arch Parade. Dress: Ex-Cadet 6s or equivalent jacket-and-tie, along with Old Brigade beret and hat badge, Old Brigade tie and medals. Parking is available in the Sawyer parking lot (Navy Bay is limited to VIP parking and the SSM VVIP parking). The Badging Parade concludes with the cadets marching off to line the route to the Arch. The Class of 79 will form up with the Old Brigade company on the road in front of the Stone Frigate at approximately 1100 hrs and then, along with the other Classes, will march together on to the Parade Square and take up our place. This will be followed by the march past where the oldest member of the Old Brigade will take the salute/eyes right, following which the Old Brigade contingent will continue marching to the Arch, with cadets lining either side of the route. There will be a bus available to take members unable to march to a spot near the Arch where there will be seating available and portable toilets nearby. Once the ceremony at the Arch is completed, including a reading of those who have been Struck Off Strength in the past year, the parade will be dismissed at the Arch to allow for photos.
On Completion of Arch Ceremony. Group Photo. Location: Tentative plan is to take the group photo in front of the Arch, following completion of the March to the Arch.
Afternoon: Free. Note that although there are no Class events scheduled for the afternoon, there are a number of sport activities taking place during the afternoon, so there will a free BBQ lunch under the RMC Alumni tent set up just outside the Senior Staff Mess. The BBQ is open to everyone and there will be a bouncy castle for the grandkids and lawn games for the older kids as well.
Evening: 1800 hrs for 1900 hrs - Old Brigade Dinner. To be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton (old Ambassador Hotel) at 1550 Princess Street. Ticket price will be $150 per person and a charitable tax receipt provided for a portion of that price. As this is a conference facility, there should be plenty of parking. Dress can be black tie with medals or mess dress as noted above, although a nice dark suit and tie or Old Brigade 6’s is also acceptable. Because this is the opportunity for the Old Brigade to welcome the Class into their midst, our Class will be the last to enter the dining room. So as everyone else (including our spouses / partners) goes in to be seated, we will muster and form a couple of ranks so we can proceed in as a group to stand in front of the Head Table for a short welcome speech, thence we can go sit with the others. As well, I have just been advised that the hotel has no ATMs, and although one side of the bar will accept credit / debit cards, that by definition will be the “Sloooow” side, so highly recommend bringing cash to use in the speedy line.
Tickets no longer on sale. Members of this year’s 5-Year Cohort the classes of 1954, 59, 64, 69, 74 and 79 can purchase tickets starting Monday 18 March 2024. Guests wishing to purchase tickets for the Old Brigade Dinner please use the link provided below:
Sunday 15 Sep 2024
Morning - 08:30 hrs. Fort “Run”. Optional for the hardy early-risers. Class Secretary is organizing and notes “new” time is 08:30, since there is lots of time to get to the next event at the Shire. Muster in the upper Fort Henry parking lot. The course goes from there clockwise around the Fort — there is a “bit” of a hill on the final leg and some unpaved terrain, but it’s not a race, and it will not take more than 20-30 minutes at most to … well note Rich has put “Run” in quotes — you can accomplish this event however pleases you, in whatever rig you consider appropriate (another group photo will be taken!). And the reward for completion is OJ and/or champers for all!
Afternoon: Door will be open at 1100 hrs. Luncheon at the Shire. Buffet lunch and camaraderie at “The Shire” on 5 Oriole Lane (Chez Avis, Cartwright Point). Dress: Relaxed Casual. Cost will be $35 per person and will be collected at the door. Parking is very limited around the Shire, but you can park on Canal du Nord and Cassino Court as shown on the map below. Water and pop are free. Some wine and beer will be available along with a tip jar (suggested offering $5). For those who may be be interested in paying the charge in advance, Rich will advise separately how to eTransfer payment to the Project Account.
Old Brigade Eligibility
Simply put, joining the Old Brigade is based upon year of entry, so “any person that has ever attended any Canadian Military College as a student in any degree granting program” is eligible to join. That includes anyone who entered CMR Prep Year in 1974 or First Year in 1975 or RMC/RRMC First Year in 1975, and received a College Number. Since no one was allowed to leave early, effectively that means anyone who was accepted in to the Cadet Wing on completion of Recruit Camp is eligible to become a member of the Old Brigade with us in September 2024. While UTPMs are actually eligible to join upon turning age 67, most have expressed an interest in joining the Old Brigade with their ROTP counterparts during Reunion Weekend 2024, as have some who graduated with us but entered one of the colleges earlier than us. The applicable RMC Alumni Association By-Laws concerning eligibility can be viewed. The criteria for eligibility are established in the RMC Alumni Association By-laws, the pertinent sections of which can be viewed below:
Relevant Sections from the RMC Alumni Association By-laws
Section 1.1 Definitions.
As used in this by-law, the following terms have the following meanings: … “Person Eligible for Membership” means any person that has ever attended any Canadian Military College as a student in any degree granting program, and such other persons, or categories of persons, as approved by the Board from time to time.
Section 10.1 Old Brigade.
(4) If fifty (50) or more years have elapsed from the year of entry into a Canadian Military College, a Person Eligible for Membership shall become a member of the Old Brigade.
(5) Notwithstanding Section 10.1(4), by convention, members who entered a Canadian Military College in a four-year plan, including RMC, RRMC and First Year at RMCSJ are automatically welcomed into the Old Brigade four months early and shall be entitled to adopt the customs normally accorded to members of the Old Brigade, as decreed by the Adjutant.
(6) Members and those persons who participated in the University Training Plan for Non-Commissioned Members (UTPNCM), University Training Plan for Officers (UTPO) and the Post Graduate Programme (PGP) shall become members of the Old Brigade fifty (50) years from year of entry into a Canadian Military College or upon attaining the age of 67 years, whichever first occurs.