There has been some confusion in terms of where to find photos of reunions which are held in various locations, so the purpose of this page is simply to re-direct you to the correct pages.

Nous avons découvert que quelque personnes ont eu des problèmes concernant où des photos de la réunions seront trouvé, puis la rasion pour cette page est simplement de vous re-diriger au bon endoit.

RMC - If the reunion was held at RMC in Kingston, photos will be found under Photos/RMC/Post-Military College Life/Reunions -

CMR - Si la réunion était a eu lieu à CMR de St-Jean, ces photos seront trouvé sous Photos/CMR/La vie après le collège/réunion -

RRMC - If the reunion was held at Royal Roads in Victoria, photos will be found under Photos/RMC/Post-Military College Life/Reunions -

CMR 40th Formation at Main Gate.jpg