Great day was had by all at the 79ers Golf Tournament at Landings Golf Course at the Kingston Airport which had been organized by Larry Richardson. The winners were from the team of Dwight Davies, Kevin McCarthy, Jim Sullivan and Tom Lawson who shot 4 under (hence their selection to “grace” the favoured banner photo spot). They were actually tied at 4 under with the team of John and Sue Roeterink, Bob Fehr and Bob Hills, but through some jiggery pokery (aka retrogression) by Larry they won and the team with the two Bobs and John and Sue came in second. Third place at 3 under was the team of Gerry Vienneau, John Dixon, Chuck Atwood and Gary Bruce. Fourth place at 2 under was the team of John Britten, Dale Godwin, Tom Wall and Cecile Kelly. Fifth place at 1 over was the team of Ray and Manja Mackley, and Dave Mowat and his stepson Riley. Sixth place at 2 over was the team of Larry Richardson, Pat Richardson, John Turnbull and Glen Long. Seventh and final place at 5 over, the most honest team it would appear, was Art and Shirley George and Rick Touchette.
Other prizes given out included longest drive on hole number 12 won by Sue Roeterink, beating out all twenty-two guys - honourable mention goes to Manja who hit a great drive and would have been on the marker for awhile except she was slightly out driven by Ray . Closest to the pin hats were won by Gerry Vienneau at #2, Bob Fehr at #4, Tom Lawson at #5, Larry Richardson at #6, John Roeterink at #9, Gary Bruce at #11, Chuck Atwood at #13, John Britten at #15 and Sue Roeterink at #17.