Pre-Parade - Presenters
pre-parade briefing by wo goodfellow - ulrich jaggi, walt natynczyk, paul madore, gary bruce, xxx, and kevin biggar
walt natynczyk
tome lawson
pete avis, the old brigade adjutant supervising (jim kightley in the background)
ulrich jaggi
guy killaby
paul madore
tom lawson with al stewart and ulrich jaggi in background
brian graystone, wayne murray, ross lambert, gary bruce, and ulrich jaggi in behind
badge presenters - from the left, jim kightley, terry leversedge, wayne murray, ross lambert, gary bruce, cadet, rich, tom lawson, guy killaby, cadet, paul madore and walt natynczyk, cadet. in behind, ulrich jaggi and al stewart
Reserved Seating - Presenters
from the right, paul madore and brian graystone (for other, see photo below)
from the right - jim kightley, rich, wayne murray, kevin biggar and guy killaby
jacques gagne
walt natynczyk, al stewart and marc fraser
from the right, gary bruce, ross lambert, terry leversedge, marc fraser, AL STEWART, WALT NATYMCZYK . IN BEHIND, MICHELINE BRUCE, joanne lambert, XXX, AND JACQUELINE FRASER, AND THIRD ROW RICHARD GREENWOOD
bryn weadon shaking hands with radm(retd) peter martin, the oldest badge presenter at 84 and former chief of financial services, a position bryn was to hold later at the same rank as well, but much later
guy killaby and kevin biggar
rich gimblett, wayne murray, kevin biggar and guy killaby
Spectators from the Class of 79
dwight davies
richard and monika greenwood
steve gasser, terry honour and wayne hirlehey
from the left, sue and john roeterink, dan eustace, chris banks and andrea campbell (nee banks - also an rmc graduate, like her three sisters)
gary banks with his daughter andrea campbell and wife chris
mike and janette diebel
larry and pat richardson
andy and anna main
micheline bruce (with ayra) and joanne lambert, xxx, jacqueline fraser, leslie natynczyk, muriel gimblett and kevin mccarthy
julie and dwight davies
The Parade
almost first years …
colour party marching on the colours
Presenting Badges
Tom lawson (from Rmc flickr page)
walt natynczyk (from rmc flickr page)