andy main and dave alder
anne cope and jacqueline fraser
farley and brenda piazza
marcy attwood and marcy attwood
bob and christine hills
larry richardson and steve kelly
brigitte vielleux, chris banks, and al raymond
john mackley, terry wood and al raymond
lutz sukstorf and tom keogh
scotty milss, scott allward and rich
tom lawson, bobby north and marc fraser
ken glass
ray mackley with his grandson max
the mackleys - john, manja, glenn, max, ray and natasha
from gary bruce’s camera - micheline bruce, bob fehr, anne cope, joanne lambert, ross lambert, steve gasser, gary bruce and kevin biggar
Getting Ready for the Group Photos
lutz helping “herd the cats” for the photo shoot!
and lutz still trying …
Oh wait, even more photos!
ian yeates doing his finance thing and ross lambert keeping him company
manja and john mackley with ian yeates
gary and micheline (with arya) and steve gasser
mingling, but in lower left - steve zuber, kevin biggar and richard greenwood … and the rest of the gang!
glenn long, catherine byrtus, xxx, jacqueline fraser and xxx and xxx
richard greenwood, ken glass and john roeterink
chuck and marcy attwood sharing a laugh with glenn long
mack flight - scotty mills, mike mathieu and richard greenwood (photo by scotty)
nick garito and bob hills chillin’ …
john carr and lai-fung chatting with todd moxley
pete avis trying to get everyone’s attention, while ian yeates and lutz are thinking - good luck!
ross lambert and tom and kelly lawson
craig wood, sandy davidson and pete
ed and susan king with muriel gimblett in behind
at the hot buffet - joanne lambert, steve gasser, larry richardson, richard groves and maral tavrizian
honestly, that was a pretty good spread
ross lambert, randy rogers, yvonne madore, marie wall, tom wall, pete avis, larry richardson, and on the end paul madore and joanne lambert
marc de van der schueren and todd moxley
manja and grandson max
the mackleys and their hosts dave and brenda. Manja, dave/farley, brenda, ray mackley, john mackley, natasha and genn mackley and wth little max in front
bill and judi panter
larry richardson and tom wall with muriel gimblett
serving drinks - john roeterink, pete barber, GUY lillaby, lutz, maral and richard groves
craig wood, eileen leversedge, terry leversedge, scott allward and deb allward
wayne hirlehey and pete avis
andy main and sandy davidson
scott and deb allward and pete avis
susan wood, richard groves and maral
steve zuber and lutz
julie davies and kelly lawson
manja mackley, glenn mackley, catherine byrtus, farley, brenda, tom keogh, ray mackley, darcy byrtus, xxx, and natasha mackley (and little max coming back with some more food)
rick and anne cope, lutz, and probably gary bruce and steve gasser
xxx, al raymond, xxx, dave alder, jim kightley, brigitte Veilleux and xxx
glenn long, at the bar, with john roeterink and off to the side, Pete Barber and richard Greenwood.
… And that’s a Wrap!!
pete, rich and farley - the three amigos