Editor’s Note: As part of Op Reconnect, the 4 Sqn K Flight rep Tommy Keogh obviously wanted to get updates from the various guys from his old recruit flight. In the meantime, another recruit flight rep came up with a plan to get his guys to give a short update (two breaths) on where they are, where they have been and who their families are, and to post that information on the website, so we also set up a Recruit Flight page for the K Flight guys as well.
after - at the luncheon at the shire during the 4oth reunion in sep 2019. the k flight “boys” had the best turnout of any of the recruit squadrons. seen here - from the left - craig wood, les mosher, chuck attwood, tom keogh, glenn long, mark sellars, and ken mackenzie
12186 Tom Keogh
I am well, although a little slower climbing out of bed in the morning with a few aches and pains ... all self inflicted from a couple of bad military parachute landings and too many years of contact sports. I still do my best to work out at the gym and am still doing long cycle rides, swim & triathlons (that is whenever they start up again post Covid).
I got out of the military in 1990 after serving as the Officer Commanding the Airborne Engineers, SSF. Today I have a small residential development company in Edmonton, urbanskydevelopments.ca. That business is carefully stick handling its way through our new post-Covid world.
My wife, Sheri, is a Junior High School Principal in Edmonton. We have 3 grown daughters living in & around Edmonton, with 3 grandkids.
12170 Gary Fraser
I am a Systems analyst for HBD industries ( privately held company with about 12 different divisions). I watch over about 6 of them as far as the computer ERP system is concerned. Been working for them since 1987 (with 1.5 years off do consulting in the middle of that). Been in the IT game since 1980. My wife Marlene is a COTA by trade (Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant) but when her Mom needed more attention because of dementia a couple of years ago she quit to work part time at Walmart so she could have the time she needed with her Mom. Mom has since passed on but Marlene at 61 has decided Walmart is OK until it is time to retire.
I have 4 sons. One is a Nuclear med tech, another a carpenter and has his own woodworking business on the side, the next son is a general contractor and the last is a US army Green Beret. Three of them are married, the youngest currently living with girlfriend. I have 2 grandchildren Henry and Clara. It is been a good life. I know I wasn't stellar at RMC but I always have a spot in my heart for the place. When my sons get on my case sometimes, I tell them "If I could have done 1 pullup on the PT tests at school you guys would not be here!"