With Thanks to 12337 John Slater
My good friend Bruce Simpson was an RRMC Three Squadron bud of mine. We went on to summer BOTC and later infantry training, sometimes sharing the same barracks room. After I transferred to RMC for my last two years of engineering, Bruce opted for a BA degree at CMR.
It was spring of 79, our last year, when Bruce brought a group of CMR preps to visit RMC for the weekend. I was sitting in the Cadet Mess having Sunday morning brunch in anticipation of a full day’s work to salvage my academic record. Unfortunately, the arrival of a large group of these CMR visitors at the entrance to the dining hall did not register with me until it was too late. Orchestrated by Bruce, they dragged me kicking and screaming out of the hall and onto their awaiting bus. I remained restrained until we got onto the 401, arriving several hours later at CMR!
Everyone was pleased with this kidnapping except myself who saw my academics falling even more. I was provided with a uniform that evening, given a tour of the College and was paraded in front of the Wing by Bruce. Early the next morning, I was driven to the nearest Metro station, handed $20, and told to bugger-off back to RMC. We went on to join the PPCLI together, but Bruce’s career was cut short in a fatal motorcycle accident. Despite the CMR incident, Bruce remained a good friend, so much so my son is named after him.
bruce at royal roads
john at rmc
bruce at cmr