With Thanks to 12352 Chris “Chwylms” Willmes
Grant Block, overlooking hatley castle
In our first year at Roads, on some Wednesday afternoons, in lieu of intra-mural sports between the last class of the day and dinner, the Cadet Wing would attend a professional development lecture on the Quarterdeck. (For the non-Roadents in the audience, the Quarterdeck was a rather posh ballroom on the second floor of Grant Block, overlooking Hatley Castle). The lectures were presented by the College's own staff officers as well as subject matter experts invited from external formations.
On one such occasion, the subject was OPERATION MARKET GARDEN, with an emphasis on the participation of Canadian military personnel. After an engaging, enthusiastic talk, the presenter invited a show of hands from those who had relatives who had been involved in that "bridge too far." A goodly number of the Wing thrust their hands into the air.
The presenter picked out one young rook and invited him to speak. The cadet confirmed, rather shyly, that his father had been there. The presenter, trying to draw him out, asked whether his father had jumped in as part of the airborne assault. "No sir," answered the cadet deferentially. "So he rolled in with XXX Corps, then?" This garnered a shake of the head.
Somewhat bemused, the presenter then asked, "So, just how was your father involved?"
"He was waiting with the Panzers in the forest, sir," came the reply.