Top Row: terry wood, darcy byrtus, pete avis, gary banks, lutz sukstorf, scotty mills, david pickett, ed vos. middle row: doug poucher, richard groves, john turnbull, andy main, john roeterink, john dixon, john britten, richard gimblett, steve zuber, tom lawson, gary bruce, ken mackenzie, jeff switzer, marc fraser, wayne murray, terry honour, jim sullivan. front row: bob hills, tom keogh, doug campbell, dale godwin, richard greenwood, chuck attwood, ian yeates, steve kelly, randy rogers, larry richardson, ray mackley, kevin mccarthy, guy simard, craig wood, doug mclean (seated), kevin biggar, les mosher, todd moxley, pete barber, walt natynczyk, dwight davies, and bob fehr
the ladies getting ready for their shot - on the tank - laurel rogers and muriel gimblett. in front: catherine byrtus, sheri long, joyce burghardt, monika greenwood, anna main, janet murray, anna-marie dixon, sue roeterink, susan pickett, pat richardson, cecile kelly, carole mackenzie, debbie sukstorf (behind), manja mackley, kate switzer, christine biggar, anne marie simard, nancy turnbull, leslie natynczyk, julie davies, susan zuber, cindy fehr, karen moxley, jackie vos. kelly lawson, jennifer sullivan, donna mccarthy
walt and leslie natynczyk
tom and kelly lawson
the heavy hitters - the former chiefs of defence staff
richard and monika greenwood
ray and manja mackley
john and nancy turnbull
guy and anne marie simard
andy and anna main
kevin and donna mccarthy
doug poucher and joyce burghardt
jeff and kate switzer
kevin and christine biggar
wayne and janet murray
mingling - gary bruce and ed vos; pete kelly and terry wood, and anna-marie dixon
rich and muriel gimblett
lutz and debbie sukstorf
mingling - tom keogh and sheri long with richard groves. catherine and darcy byrtus, with ian yeates, joyce burghardt and likely doug poucher (cannot see face but long hair, brown pants, joyce and talking to navy guys are clues) along with richard and monkia greenwood. in front, cecile kelly and pat richardson.
more mingling - richard groves, larry richarson, joyce burghardt, dale godwin, ceclie kelly and pat richardson (in front of steve kelly); ian yeates and andy and anna main
jim sullivan up to his old tricks trying to pull john britten’s leg. john giving jim that look, based on 40 years of experience, suggesting he is not buying it even for one second - tom and kevin thinking “same old same old” and smiling. kelly still appearing to be patient after three days of this!
the navy contingent by that tank … the two richards and ian yeates
feeling much more at home