UTPM Mini-Reunion - Golden Valley Restaurant, Trenton - 2 Nov 2024
Following the Old Brigade reunion in September, Larry thought it would be a good idea to organize a UTPM get together to formally present Darlene McCann a copy of the, “Class of 79 Memories - if I knew then what I know now” book and fortunately, quite a few of the friends for 50 years were able to attend.
on the left: randy and laurel rogers; tom and marie wall and steve kelly. on the right larry and pat richardson, darlene mccann, john britten, and Cécile kelly
john, Larry, randy, steve and tom
laurel, marie, Cécile, pat and darlene
laurel showing off the t-shirt with a photo of rrmc utpms from back in the day. randy subtly photobombing the shot!
UTPM Mini-Reunion - Casa Richardson - Kingston Mills - 1 Oct 2023
cecil kelly, Steve kelly, John britten, Tom wall, Art George, marie wall and pat richardson
Steve kelly, Art George, larry richardson, John britten, and Tom wall
Reunion Weekend 2023 (15 -16 Sep)
friday - for medal presentation to 2023 utpms - pete avis, brain graystone, alfie enman (utpm 1980) and larry and pat richardson
saturday - at the shire after parade and wall of honour ceremonies - rich, pete and larry
Willmes / Gimblett Road Trip Aug 2023
Indeed! This expedition is no slap-dash, spur-of-the-moment, throw-a-spare-pair-of-underwear-in-a-tank-bag-and-hop-on-a-motorcycle-and-ride-to-Calgary-on-a-Thanksgiving-weekend-in-search-of-souvenir-spoon-on-a-dare-from-your-CTO affair. This is a proper naval deployment complete with a detailed FLEX programme. And in proper naval/military tradition, that plan has not survived first contact with the enemy.
former naval people chwylms and squintly do cape spear - the most easterly point of land in north america
the Crow’s Nest Officers’ Club in St John’s, a national historic site
6,659 km driven (blue markup), 675nm sailed by ferry (1,253 km / red markup), 17 days 9 hrs 17 minutes in company with @chwylms (but who’s counting?), mostly following the promulgated FLEX countless great memories, can’t wait until the next one!
Editor’s Note: For the “no slap-dash, spur-of-the-moment … etc etc ….affair” you can read that chwylms’ story at:
The Fraz’s Retirement - 8 Jul 2023
After Marc finally decided to retire, his wife Jaqueline reached out to our Class Secretary, Rich Gimblett, to help her throw a surprise party for Marc in London, Ontario. Rich quickly agreed to represent the Class and was similarly pleased that in recognition of Marc’s retirement, she had come up with the great idea to donate towards the Class’ Old Brigade Project. Rich reported that ceremony was indeed a “very pleasant surprise” for Marc. The attached photo is from the morning after the night before.
6 Sqn Roomies - 2023 and 1975
mark bowen and chuck donohue 2023
mark bowen and chuck donohue back in the day! 6 sqn lines in n 1975, probably early august since the locks have not been shorn and soon to be forbidden civvies like bell bottoms, big lapels and platform shoes are still being worn!
Ottawa Branch Golf Tournament 2022
jim allison, rob morrow, glenn long and lutz sukstorf
john turnbull with fellow ex-cadet teammates
john roeterink teamed up with some other ex-cadets
john britten and larry richardson
john and nancy turnbull
Circa 2015
Around 2015, Wayne Hirlehey (6 Sqn rook) travelled east from his home in BC to attend a federal Emergency Management conferences. Guy Killaby and Pete Avis (also 6 Sqn rooks) took him out to dinner in the Byward market. Lots of catching up over the decade that had passed after our last meeting!.