Front Row: The Cmdt’s wife, Mrs MaryAnn de Chastelain and the Honourable Flora MacDonald, MP for Kingston and the Islands (shortly afterwards she was appointed as the first female Secretary of State for External Affairs). Second Row: Behind Mrs de Chastelain, BGen John Stewart and Isabel Stewart, Al Stewart’s father and mother – of note, BGen Stewart became the Cmdt of RMC the following year. In scarlets, Les Mosher, “Farley” Mowat, Ray Stouffer and Ian Yeates.
the cmdt, bgen de chastelain presenting CWO dwight davies with three academic medals - the governor general’s gold medal for the highest academic standing in the class; the association of professional engineers medal for highest academic standing in engineering; and the departmental medal for highest academic standing in electrical engineering
jacques bolduc
jim sullivan
larry baba
MArk Sellars, TY pile and bruce nelms
craig sandiland; xxx; glenn long; xxx; xxx; gary banks; pete isber; richard groves (very camera savvy); rob north; glen mackay; john dixon (?); booner; chuck attwood ; brian pitman; dave loverridge (?); rainer hau; todd moxley (?)
Dale godwin and steve kelly
gary banks, pete isber; richard groves; bobby north; geln mackay
bobby north, richard groves and peter isberg
Class 0f 1978 + 1 - rehabs - back row - Dan McInnis, Steven Gasser, Rainer Hau, Rob Slinger; front - Kevin vivian, Jelle Blom, Craig Sandiland