lee in middle back row in rmc rugby team photo
rmc electrical engineering 4th year group photo - Lee is second from the right in the middle row
lee with “the boys” after a rather muddy rugby match at rmc - includes kevin biggar and chris willmes
lee with ‘brucie” at rmc
lee officiating a sOCCER game at rrmc
lee helping send message to senior lilienthall that maybe he should think better about doing again whatever he did that got him the ‘SPECIAL TREATMENT” THIS TIME AROUND. HELPED along BY mike campbell to the left, rob gundling in the middle and jim manton to the right
sending another message, along with doug mann and al moens et al
patti Lusk at rmc with 8 sqn snow sculpture. she later moved with lee to moose jaw, only to lose him to the tragic crash, sadly on her birthday