In Memoriam Leask CMR Prep Year.JPG
In Memoriam Leask CMR 1st Year.JPG
In Memoriam Leask CMR 2nd Year.JPG
In Memoriam Leask RRMC 3rd Year.JPG
In Memoriam Leask RRMC Yearbook Bio.JPG

Editor’s Note: For those who may not be familiar with the acronyms or symbols in this write-up from the 1979 RRMC Yearbook, please note that CSL is Cadet Squadron Leader (the top position in the Squadron) CFL is Cadet Flight Leader, and P&PO is Physics and Physical Oceanography. The symbols are as follows - Crossed Clubs or Batons (Excellence in Physical Fitness - scoring at least 400 points on Fitness Test); Crossed Swords (Overall excellence in military skills); Star with Crown (Academic excellence - Crown symbolizes top student in this category) and blue maple leaf (functionally bilingual I believe) - individually each is quite impressive, but to have all four is significantly more impressive.